An incredible business opportunity for sale

This is a very unique thing for us to advertise here on Oldbug.com
but as you will see, the theme of the whole deal fits in with the
website quite well.
Up for sale here is a complete business...built and running right now.
Introducing the "BounceBus"!

There are two incredibly cool inflatable bounce houses in the lot.
This split screen Deluxe and the Pop top Bay Westy with side tent shown
on the top of the page.
They are extraordinarily well done and while there have been some
imitaotrs out there
these two BounceBusses are the best in the world.

Here is a photo of the Deluxe next to a real Bus for scale...
The "real" Bus is included in the package as well !!

How cool is this?
After seeing the bounce Bus used at several VW events over the past
couple years
I can attest first hand to the popularity of them...a huge hit wherever
it goes!

The double door panel van is a strong running machine that everything
packs tightly inside.
Who wouldnt want this for their car show or birthday party?

The most incredible of the two Bounce Buses is the Bay Window Westy.
This is absolutely insane!

The Westy side tent is a normal bounce room where the kids can go wild.

Through the back side of the side tent you enter the slide room!

Walking in towards the front of the Camper you can look out the windows
and wave at everybody...

Then climb up into the pop top area...

Once you are at the top of the peak of the pop top...it is slide time!

The kids so totally love this!!

And slidng down to the back of the Camper...its a good fun drop.

Here is a view back from the top of the slide...you can look out
through the "canvas" of the pop top.

Kids come down the slide and shoot out through the "decklid"
and onto the stop at the back.

So awesome!! So well done!! Love it!!

The Split Screen Deluxe is a little simpler inside, but the exterior
look and style is undeniably cool.
Obviously designed and built by a true VW enthusiast...its not just a
box graphiced up to look like a Bus.

The side doors are open to allow entry into the Bus.
Its black and blue inside and the "tinted window" screens keep it airy
and happy inside.

I love the Porsche alloy styled wheels and lowered stance!

Here is the delivery van that is also included in the deal.
A good running 1963 Double Door Panel Bus.

Front and rear Safari windows
Full length roof rack, Deluxe body trim.
Lowered with a Wagens West 2" narrowed beam with adjusters and drop
Type 1 transaxle from Ranch that is heavy duty all the way.
Porsche 924 disc brakes on all four corners and very rare 1 year only
Porsche snowflake wheels.
Engine is a 1600cc dual port that runs fantastic.

The double door desing is perfect for a business like this...easy
loading and unloading of the bouncers
and other equipment.

It has a great stance to it...a sweet Bus in it's own right.
By the way...the domain name Bouncebus.com comes with the package
as well as the other domains attached to the company for the frozen
drink machine rental business that
is also included in the deal!!

Here is a shot of everything all packed up nice inside...

The huge full length steel roof rack is especially strong and can handle
some serious hauling if you needed to bring more equipment along than
what fits inside.

The interior of the Bus is spartan...it is a workhorse, not a show car.

Dash has been sprayed red...floors are black.
The body is pretty solid on this old machine by the way.

The floors are sound...but scuffed and dinged a bit from use.

You can fit a lot of stuff in here!!

Rear safari window.

This photo shows the Bus when it was first put together...as you will
see below the body trim and bumpers are now black
and overriders are now installed.

Here it is in it's current day look.

Body looks quite straight.

A dent on the rear wheel arch...
Custom supertrap exhaust... nice tires on the Porsche wheels.

Disc brakes on all four wheels.

Front end detail and solid underbelly

All set up at a local show.

The other part of the business that is included in the package is a
frozen drink machine set up.
Mixing margaritas for the grown ups or slushies for the kids!

The websites www.needamargarita.com and www.needabrainfreeze.com are
in the package.

Carts, glasses and supplies are all a part of the package.

Supplies included as well.

Here is some more of the supplies included.

Of course the bouncers and blowers and all related equipment comes with!
All logos asscociated with the Business as well as domain names \ email
accounts are included in the sale.
The business is currently Incorporated under MMMmargaritas.com.
Drink machines include:
Crathco MG-23 Dual Bowl (3.5 gallons per side for a total of 7 gallons)
Grindmaster 3311 (5.2 gallon capacity)
syrup and supply inventory.
Rolling carts For machines x 2
12 guage 25' extension cords (maximum) x 2
Water \ mix Jugs x 3
Cleaners and sanitizers
60 + Recipies for different kinds of alcohol.
Spare compressor for 3311.
Bouncebus Inflatables:
Red \ White Westy Bouncebus 2 piecies (20 x 19 foot print) 260lbs
Black \ Blue Split window Bouncebus (19 x 10 foot print) 190lbs
3 Blowers
Ext Cords
Storage bag for Bouncers
1963 VW Double Door Panel van included as well.
It is a turn-key ready to go business that is currently in operation.
The owner is going after a larger endeavor and wants to see this go to
someone who will
appreciate and hopefully continue the adventure.

There is an amazing amount of time and effort and serious money that
has gone into the creation
of this enterprise. It has brought in some good income for the owner
and he has not pushed it as hard
as it could be pushed. There is some serious upside here for someone
that has the motivation to "work it".
Or even if you were just some guy that wanted to buy the lot and have
fun with it, the asking price is a great deal
just on the cost of the equipment alone.
Way too much fun!!!
for the whole business!!
Seller will entertain all offers and will consider
splitting up the bouncers and Bus seperately...please inquire!.
For More
or email oldbug@earthlink.net